QuantFlaunt Overview

QuantFlaunt is a satirical web application that explores the future of online branding and data quantification. By collecting and sharing not only everyday measureables, but also intangible thoughts and experiences, QuantFlaunt gives users a self-determined number that represents their identity and provides the 'big picture.' It's the intersection between Klout and The Onion headline "Popular New Exercise App Just Tells Users They Ran 5 Miles A Day No Matter What."

Competitor Review

The iOS "Reporter App" was reviewed during the planning stages of QuantFlaunt. Its data tracking and user created categories centered on activities was a starting point for QuantFlaunt's more progressive tracking. Read Competitor Review

UX Deliverables

QuantFlaunt went through many iterations, and was rigorously tested with users and classmates. User scenarios and personas gave the application a focus, and rapid wireframes and prototypes were produced in Axure and Bootstrap. View Deliverables

Final Site

QuantFlaunt went live in 2014. Users can input and track their tangible and intangible thoughts and activities, and compare their representative number to others. How big is your number? Visit QuantFlaunt